Sonia Marcacci was born in Pisa and now lives and works in the countryside of Casole d’Elsa. She gained in 1989 the goldsmith’s qualification from the Tuscany Region. In 1996 she graduated in Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, in Milan. A year later she founded the company ‘Prototype’ in Milan, and by 2004 was creating jewellery based on experimentation and the modeling of new shapes with the ductile and pliable materials silver and bronze, enriched with hard and semi-precious stones or wood. Upon returning to Tuscany, after various experiences in 3D processing and her daily life living in contact with nature, she became motivated anew.
Sonia uses the title Natura Preziosa to describe her work:
“Precious Nature is plunging into the beauty of gems, flowers and fruits found in Nature elements that I collect, dry, model and then transform through my experience in jewellery and sculpture, giving life to my creative path. Precious Nature, both in the plant form and after transformation, is a means to communicate and honour the harmony of what surrounds me. Precious Nature is a challenge to revive the ‘vegetable’ in another form or material. Precious Nature is the fantasy that emerges and takes shape in small arrangements of ‘vegetables’, fragile but powerful in their original personality. Precious Nature is the mutation of plant elements that allows me to express thoughts and introspections and to take possession of their unique being preserving their aesthetic properties and maintaining their autonomous poetic reading.”
A part of her work presented in Kalpa Art Living, is R/RdSV Serie (Revaluation of Vegetable Waste), the presentation of miniature bronze sculpture installations together with their natural tomato or garlic plant models, unique pieces in free composition with the aim of making ‘desirable’ what is normally discarded.
“Passeggiando nelle campagne e nei boschi della Toscana, mi sono resa conto di quanto grande e generosa è la natura.
Giorno dopo giorno ho raccolto, essiccato e conservato fiori, frutti, bacche e semi in scatole aperte di cartone bianco. Un giorno, percorrendo un sentiero, ho raccolto un ciuffo di erba selvatica e l’ho avvolto intorno al mio dito. Il filo di erba più robusto era rimasto isolato e arrotolandolo intorno agli altri, formai un anello. Questo seccatosi si è mantenuto nella sua natura e nella sua forma, così come era e come lo avevo istintivamente realizzato.
Da questo gesto semplice come fare un nodo ad un filo, ho ritrovato le motivazioni per nuove esperienze artistiche.”