In 2019 Kalpa Art Living will launch its new location in the historical centre of the ancient Etruscan town of Volterra, one of the most picturesque locations in Tuscany. Its new home is in Palazzo Bonomini on Via Porta all’Arco, a charming street connecting the main square with the famous Porta all’Arco, an Etruscan gate to the city dating back to 4th century B.C., a must see for all art and history lovers.

This sophisticated, mysterious building of palazzo Bonomini dates back to medieval and renaissance times and over the ages it has been the home to several religious and charitable institutions. Today it is a project “in progress” giving space to various arts in its time-hallowed rooms. The restoration of the two floors dedicated to art exhibitions began in the spring of 2019 and it will take a number of years to unveil the spaces step by step. The building is considered a national monument, and it is protected by the Soprintendenza Belle Arti of Pisa and its renovation requires an attentive respect for the historical value it represents. Its diverse interiors range from luminous high rooms filled with daylight flooding through the large windows to the mesmerizing underground brick vaults and age old stone walls.

The project is being designed and executed through the collaboration of Glen Polessello, the new owner passionately dedicated to restoring the past beauty, Olga Niescier, the art director of Kalpa Art Living and by the Anima Silvae Cultural Association, while the careful process of giving new life to Palazzo Bonini is being realized by a team of specialists, among whom, the conservator/restorer and artist Cristiano Sabelli and building surveyor Paolo Franceschini.




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